Debris Box Billing and Service Guidelines


  • All debris box customers will be required to pay a pre-payment per box per pull.
    – Boxes up to 20 cubic yards will require a $500.00 deposit.
    – Boxes over 20 cubic yards will require a $1,000.00 deposit.


  • BILLING INCLUDES: A Placement Fee for each debris box. If box is placed in the street, there is also a flasher fee per pull. There is a Per Pull Charge for each pick up or attempt to pick up. An Overweight Charge-per ton will apply if excess tonnage above the amount allowed per pull-is hauled. If the debris box is not serviced within seven days, a demurrage charge will be applied each day until service is scheduled. (Fees are outlined in rate for service section). The pickup and tonnage fees are taken out of the pre-payment. If there is a balance owed, ACI will invoice you at the end of the billing cycle. If a refund is due, a check will be  of last day of the billing cycle.


  • PAYMENT: You may pay by company check, personal check, money order, credit card (Visa, MasterCard, & Discover) or cash (no third- party checks). This is required for each box depending upon amount of service.


  • DELIVERY/PICKUP: Delivery and/or service times cannot be guaranteed. Please call our office 2-business days before you need a delivery or pickup of the debris box. Don’t forget to include if the box is to be picked up with no return.




  • Material cannot be higher than edge of box. DO NOT OVERFILL BOX.

debris box diagram

  • CLOSING BOX: Please make sure T -bar is fully locked into top and bottom channel locks (as indicated by arrows) when closing box. We cannot pick up the box if these are not correctly locked.


  • CONTAMINATION: Loads characterized as contaminated (i.e. trash in organics, etc.) by the landfill – shall be charged at loose garbage rates (Fees are outlined on rate for service section). ACI will not return contaminated box to customer to offload – box will be dumped at landfill. Customer will not be notified of load characterization change.


If you have any questions regarding the service, please call our office at 510-357-7282.